Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A Drunk Dingo Had A Three Way WIth An Ocelat And A Porcupine

I love this cardigan sweater from Ben Sherman. I'm not entirely sure why, to tell you the truth. I like the way that you could pretty much work this sweater any way, for most occasions. At least that's what I'm telling mysely to justify spending $89 dollars on it. But in all seriousness, you really could work it so many ways. It's basic, simple, and completely perfect! If, unlike me, you can but this gorgeous sweater then by all means you must! Get it here.
Hidden Palms and Traveler are on tonight! Watch them, they are bothe very different, very good shows. Hidden Palms is on The CW at 8pm pacific and Traveler is on ABC at 10pm pacific. Go watch! And buy that sweater.

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